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Apple Indian

Angebote / Angebote: be a better Indian. I gave a great deal of thought on whether to say "man, " rather than "Indian, " in the above introductory title, as well as in the concluding statements at the end of each chapter of this book. But since the opinions, positions, and views of which I write are entirely my own as an Indian, in the end I will take the credit, but will also confess to the responsibility, as to what potential readers may interpret my intentions. Striving to be a better man is easy in my estimation. Striving to be a better Indian can conflict with cultural traditions depending on a self chosen path. Herein lies my issue. I am an Indian. I want to be an Indian and know of their ways. I wish to be the product of what my ancestral blood signifies. A lack of this awareness leaves me uncomfortably self conscience at times, especially around other Indians. Addressing this issue through a publication, something I never dreamed of attempting, only supports the high priority of explanation I feel compelled to give. Therefore, the main focus of this book is my desire of self explanation. Here, I give personal views and opinions, as well as actual events and situations I have encountered, giving cause for further explanation. I believe I've always known what I was. Only recently have I made efforts to find out who I was. Throughout this search, one thing I have concluded. Self explanation is never ending.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


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