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Daddy Loves You

Angebote / Angebote:

This book is a book of quotes, maxims, and inspirational statements from new fathers to their children. These statements encompass life, happiness, love, and gender. Well intertwined are illustrations that depict the meaning of the inspirational statements. The idea for this book came upon the birth of yet another child in this circle of these friends. In doing so, the new father found himself saying things late at night and in the early morning hours to his son that were both meaningful and inspirational. This book is a compilation of other words of wisdom from young fathers. The books purpose is three fold: 1) to inspire fathers, young and old, 2) to provide words of wisdom to whisper or boldly input into the lives of children, and 3) to portray the awesome power of a father's love.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


34,50 CHF