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  • Effective Forgiveness

Effective Forgiveness

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Effective Forgiveness takes a practical look at forgiveness and how to weave it into daily living. The author offers practical insights and suggestions of how to forgive in spite of difficulties and the pain attached to forgiveness. The author writes from her experience of losing her husband and three children in one day to a drunk driver. This book will help you know [The blessings of forgiveness [The consequences of unforgiveness [Why we find it difficult to forgive [How to forgive [Signs of Forgiveness [The effect of unforgiveness in the local church [Healing balm of forgiveness [What Forgiveness reveals about you [And a lot more. This book will heal a lot of wounds, offer proven advice and suggestions on avoiding being hurt again and again, and above all, enhance your walk with God as you forgive the way God has intended for you. It may be the answer you have been waiting for. A great reading.
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


19,90 CHF