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  • Influences and Traditions Underlying the Vision of Daniel 7:2-14

Influences and Traditions Underlying the Vision of Daniel 7:2-14

Angebote / Angebote:

Since the end of the 19th century, at least 16 different primary influences on the vision in Daniel 7:2-14 have been proposed, thereby demonstrating the complexity of its traditio-historical background. This volume presents in detail the various proposed influences on the whole vision, with substantial quotations of the original publications. They explain the underlying concepts and function as windows into a sometimes heated ideological struggle. Critical scholarly remarks on each proposed primary influence allow for the reader's own judgement. The study also provides an example for examining the mechanics of the traditio-historical method, as well as the difficulty of establishing an uniform measure for determining what constitutes a parallel influence.Seit dem Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts sind mindestens 16 unterschiedliche Haupteinflüsse auf die Vision von Daniel 7, 2-14 ausfindig gemacht worden. Diese Forschungsgeschichte stellt die unterschiedlichen Positionen detailliert dar, mit substantiellen Zitaten aus den Originalpublikationen und kritischen Entgegnungen. Dieser Band analysiert die Funktionsweise der traditionsgeschichtlichen Methode, die sich auf die Analyse von parallelen Überlieferungen stützt.
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