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Know What You Signed Up for

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A field guide for military spouses who did not know what they'd signed up for."You knew what you signed up for!" Megan B. Brown has heard that more times than she cares to remember. But did she? Honestly, no. She fell in love with a military man and had dreams of adventure.In much the same way, when we surrendered our lives to Jesus Christ, we really had no idea what we were "signing up for." We were probably so overwhelmed by His love, we weren't necessarily focused on the sacrifices that would follow.Ten different houses. Four children. Two deployments to combat zones. Megan's sacrificed jobs, communities, friendships, and personal dreams. Sound familiar?Megan helps military spouses see that we're right where we're supposed to be--chosen for this specific time and place. Together, we'll see what it means to follow Jesus, love people, and live on mission.
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


19,50 CHF