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  • My Stolen Church: A Blasphemous Romp Through The Greatest Ongoing Crime In History... The Continued Existence Of The Roman Catholic Chur

My Stolen Church: A Blasphemous Romp Through The Greatest Ongoing Crime In History... The Continued Existence Of The Roman Catholic Chur

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BAPTISM......Your Salvation has been Stolen. FATIMA......Did Our Lady lie as the church suggests?BAPTISM.....Jesus Christ was born in a stable in Bethlehem, about 2000 years ago. His parents were poor, and He was probably not well educated. He was a simple man with a simple message.1) Get baptized and renounce your origin, renounce Satan 2) Love God. This is easy to say, but how do you love someone or something you don't know? This is actually quite simple.... 3) Love your Neighbor. This is as simple as it says. You are asked to care for people who need to be cared for. By doing so you are showing God you love Him by obeying Him.The church has seven sacraments. According to Jesus, the only one that is absolutely essential for Salvation, is Baptism... Yet the church had/has a fee for it. So..... 1) The church concerned is committing the sin of simony by charging a fee for a sacrament. 2) The church is restricting access to Salvation if you are too poor to afford the fee. 3) In the "church of the poor" it is the poor who are penalized by this fee for the Baptismal Certificate.Sometimes it is not so much that they are turned away, rather the church has not made it clear that there is not a fee, and it is free.What's the difference to the soul?There is a similar situation for marriage. It is not made clear that you do not have to pay for it.... but you do!FATIMA....Did anyone listen?Among other things, Our Lady of Fatima told the seer, Lucia, that Her Son wanted the pope and cardinals to collectively "Consecrate Russia to My Immaculate Heart".Both the Lady and her comments and requests are accepted by the church. If the consecration was done, she promised, 1) Russia would convert and would not spread its evil doctrines. 2) There would follow a period of peace in the world.If the consecration was not done... 1) Russia's evil would spread. 2) There would be suffering and much loss of life. 3) The pope would have much to suffer.Who the lady was meant the request came from God......Two popes carried out what they called an Entrustment. One of them, John Paul 2 did it twice!! The word "consecrate" only appears once. The word "Russia" not at all.The Entrustment document was confirmed by Lucia, as done according to Our Lady's wishes.....after a 4 hour private meeting with cardinal Bertone.. the Vatican head of state. Why would he need 4 hours with an elderly nun who spent her life from the age of 14 in an enclosed convent?So the church says the Lady's wishes were carried out, confirmed and, "there is no more to be said" by cardinal Josef (Houston's friend) Ratzinger.But since that time history tells us that, 1) There has collectively been over 250 years war/conflict.... 2) Russia did not convert, and spread its evil doctrines 3) The pope, John Paul 2, had a long painful death.So someone lied. Surely the church is not suggesting that …THE MOTHER OF GOD LIED.....DO YOU KNOW THAT THERE IS A SIN GOD WONT FORGIVE?DO YOU KNOW THAT THE CONFESSIONAL HAS BEEN A VERY GOOD PLACE FOR PEDOPHILES TO GROOM CHILDREN?YOUR CHURCH HAS KNOWN FOR AT LEAST 277 YEARS.......DO YOU CARE?
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