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Not as Expected

Angebote / Angebote:

This book was written to assist Mathematics teachers, visually impaired learners and sighted learners in inclusive settings. Teachers will have to make their Mathematics lessons interesting, functional, as well as collaborate with the parents of these learners to achieve any meaningful learning in Mathematical concepts.Parents of totally blind young learners will find this book helpful in assisting their blind children learn mathematical concepts in home settings. Social workers can also use this book as their guide when handling young blind children who are learning mathematical concepts. The book is useful to teacher training colleges, on how to teach Mathematical concepts to totally blind and the sighted learners, taking mathematics in inclusive settings. Mathematics Curriculum developers for grades One to Three. At the Kindergarten level the curriculum developers will find this book resourceful in addressing the approaches and challenges of teaching mathematical concepts to these learners.
Folgt in ca. 5 Arbeitstagen


80,00 CHF