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  • Only His Sheep Will Raise Their Heads

Only His Sheep Will Raise Their Heads

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32"From the fig tree, learnits lesson: as soon as its young shoots become soft and tender and it puts outits leaves, you know of a surety that summer is near."(Matthew 24:32) If this was important for the disciples, it is even moreimportant for us! We are 2000 yearscloser than they were. We know from thefig tree that He is giving a spiritual analogy. Who is the figtree in prophecy? Israel! Israel is the fig tree in the Word of God. What Jesus is bringing out here is, ifyou want to know prophecy, don't look at the United States, England, Europe, etc. Look at the hub of prophecy, Israel! Those other nations are important in prophecy but the mostimportant today, is the fig tree in the nation of Israel. We have seenthe return of the Jews to their homeland. We know by the Word of God that Jesus is coming soon. How soon? We are not to know. Many yearsback, and not so many years back, during all of the wars that were going onpeople thought it was the tribulation and Israel wasn't even mentionedyet. They were looking at the warsrather than the fig tree. We can lookat the fig tree today. It's doing fine! In fact the leaves are all over it! Most teachings onBible prophecy are filled with doom and forebodings of fear. This viewpoint can be confusing andputs people off God's true, merciful nature and purpose for humanity. That won't be the focus of this study. Propheciesof the End Times are not so much for warnings as they are an invitation tosalvation! Therefore, remain full of hope realizing that God is in control, and our Lord'svictory is assured.
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


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