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Parenting by Faith

Angebote / Angebote:

Direct, inspiring and no-nonsense, this hopeful approach to the most important job of your life - raising strong, loving, competent children - comes from the experiences of noted author Louise Battle, and life lessons from the Bible. Want to know how to get started, why you'll never quit, what to do in unique situations? It's all here! Draw strength and inspiration from Biblical wisdom to provide an environment for raising wonderful children - the off spring you deserve! Joan H. Braitsch National President, American Mothers, Inc. 2000 DC Metro Area Mother of the Year Louise Battle has taken her journey as a mother and has transformed it into a descriptive, motivating, and informative book so, that mothers of all ages can share in her victories and tragedies. I am impressed at the ease of reading this book which gives tips on parenting in love through times of lack and wealth. It is obvious that Louise was able to see her tests become a testimony which can be seen through the lives of her children. Being able to hear from her children on how their mother was such an example to them and helped to shape them into the man and woman they are today was such a blessing. If you need tips on parenting, because we don't go through training on how to raise children, I am confident that you will find this to be helpful as you too, mother the child/children God has placed in your care. Thanks again for the opportunity to 1st - read your story - I feel like the pages were coming out in real life. Such an expressive book! Well done! Vanessa K. Antrum, MSW American Mothers, Inc. DC Metropolitan Area Mother of the Year Reverend Louise A. Battle was born and raised in Washington, D. C. Did she shelter Phillip and April? Yes, with love and discipline! It was not easy after her husband, Frank passed. She saw the talent and potential that God placed in both of them and made sure that they had the tools to grow. God gave her the plan for her children and she worked the plan!
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