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Telling Fortunes By Tea Leaves

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Excerpt: ... money, according to other signs near. Hearts.-See Ace of Hearts. Heather.-A most fortunate sign of gratified wishes and of coming good luck, to lovers it is an assurance of much happiness. Hedge.-This shows that through energy and perseverance you will surmount obstacles and carry all before you. Hedgehog.-You will be immensely surprised by hearing that someone whom you had always thought of as a confirmed bachelor is about to be married. Hemlock.-The shadows of your past life have an inconvenient habit of appearing at the most awkward moments. Hens.-Comfort and domestic felicity, a hen roosting shows domestic annoyance and money worries. Highlander.-This is a sign of sound business capacity and a plodding contriver in transactions. Hive.-See Beehive. Hockey-Stick.-A keenness for games and success in the playing of them. Hoe.-This means that you will often have more to do than you can well accomplish, each day things will occur needing your attention and increasing your work, but in spite of it you will have good health and cheerfulness. Holly.-This indicates that something of importance may be expected to occur in the winter, unless gloomy signs appear in the cup, it may be assumed that the event will be a happy one. Hollyhock.-You will have a friend, or lover, who will never disappoint you. Honeycomb.-Prosperous undertakings, honour and renown, and much which is delightful are foreshown by this symbol. Hoop.-You will find immense satisfaction in doing things that require energy even if they are of little importance. Horns.-You have a powerful enemy, or at least someone who has feelings of animosity towards you, which may prove to be unpleasant in their result. Horse.-Comforts, loyal friends, and pleasure, galloping horses mean that events are hurrying towards you over which you have no control, bringing many changes into your life. See also Carriage...
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