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The Genius Code

Angebote / Angebote:

Creative Genius is a universal thing--not just for some but for everyone! Master The Twelve Pillars of Creative Genius and seize your birthright, the right to "access and unleash your limitless creative genius potential" at will. Creative genius is the "ultimate personal power!" It flows constantly through your voices of inspiration & intuition. Master The Code, connect with these voices, and you will meet with an abundance & prosperity in your life that will literally--blow you away! Unlike many popular self-help books that seem to promise more and deliver less, The Genius Code will unlock within you a creative power that will enable you to "live the ultimate dream"--the ability to imagine, create, & manifest at will! Master these twelve steps and live your true destiny--a destiny of limitless creative expression & abundance! The distance between creative genius and you are simply matters of trust & focus--people of genius trust their inner worlds & focus on their visions--average folks trust the outside world and focus on someone else's vision! Master The Code and live "your creative genius vision"--a vision worthy of you!
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


28,50 CHF