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Trails of Ascension Vol 1

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TRAILS OF ASCENSION: Volume 1 of a three part collection. A MUST READ! A werewolf story woven inside an old western setting on a distant planet called Mystic. A young couple and a boy travel back in time where they learn how to live as members of a lost tribe called the "Spear Hunters", a group of stragglers that according to ancient folklore had once become a collection of all the planet Mystic's native nations. Their journey back into modern day time is suddenly full of new surprises. "A chilling werewolf thriller! Consistently absorbing...Deftly drawn characters." Werewolf Publishing Review. "An exciting werewolf tale of new dimensions". AOG ASAP Avionics
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


21,50 CHF

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