>venture>>, 650 businesses have been founded, and over 6, 000 jobs created. And, as this book shows, some of these new companies have been enormously successful." Federal Councillor Doris Leuthard" />
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  • The Success Formula for Start-ups

The Success Formula for Start-ups

Angebote / Angebote:

This anniversary book published to mark the tenth edition of >>venture>> celebrates Switzerland's most important start-up competition-and Swiss entrepreneurialism. From fledgling firms based in student dorms to companies with over 600 employees, sales above a hundred millions, and IPOs, the book lets successful >>venture>> graduates tell their own stories, thereby providing advice and encouragement to the next generation of founders. How did they come to start a company? What were the greatest obstacles? And why can failure be a blessing? Looking for role models? Here they are! "To date, 2, 500 teams have participated in >>venture>>, 650 businesses have been founded, and over 6, 000 jobs created. And, as this book shows, some of these new companies have been enormously successful." Federal Councillor Doris Leuthard
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