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Angebote / Angebote:

With feet planted on both sides of many fences, M. Russle Pruitt has long observed the changing faces of family relationships and a deteriorating business world. Compelled to comment on the altering of social conscience, Mr. Pruitt delves into the basics, seemingly forgotten, that used to guide our nation and command how people treat and react to each other with respect and dignity. With clear and concise steps leading to meaningful change, he brings his many years of family experience and workplace ethos to bear upon the misconceptions that hinder us all in building lasting teams and stakeholder loyalties. By defining words like principles, values, character and loyalty he focuses our attention on the necessity of outward looking processes that teach the need for service to others and honesty within each of our lives, even when no one is watching. M. Russle Pruitt's valuable lessons show how chaos and conflict can become allies and indicators of dysfunction, as well as leading to unattended problems. He further demonstrates that myths of commonly held beliefs often do more harm than good. With a solid background that spans the distance between labor and management, Mr. Pruitt offers words as staffs of support to steady us on the journey through life. Excerpts from the book: Deep thinkers over the ages have shown that principles we willingly accept are the best guides to successful, happy and meaningful change. Nowhere is learning to listen more import than when we consider the different temperaments of the human race. Only by seeing the large picture and how solutions influence things on a broad spectrum can we safeguard against preventable missteps down the road. Compensating push back is not limited to large organizations and systems. There are plenty of examples in our everyday lives. As soon as egos and self-image get into the mix conflict results....Diversity of ideas and opinions can lead to a broader understanding of the situation and greater input from stakeholders. It's common to look for new information instead of reviewing what we already know. The search for new input should be the SECOND thing we do.
Folgt in ca. 5 Arbeitstagen


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