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  • Young Lord of Khadora

Young Lord of Khadora

Angebote / Angebote:

Ages ago the continent was invaded by massive armies intent on creating a new home for themselves. The peaceful indigenous peoples fled before the marauding hordes and hid defiantly in the mountain peaks awaiting a signal from god. They learned the arts of magic and warfare as they hid from the intruders, who divided the land amongst themselves and set up a civilization where the many toil and slave for the elite few. The Forgotten Legacy series begins with Young Lord of Khadora as Marak, a young soldier in the service of one of the clans of Khadora, is chosen as a sacrifice for the benefit of his lord. Marak is sent on a fool's mission to defeat one of the small bands of indigenous people known as the Chula, a race of dreaded cat-people. Volume 1 of Forgotten Legacy.
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


21,50 CHF